nothing to do

So, you’re sitting there surfing the net, having nothing particularly interesting to do. All your work has been done, and with all your msn/skype/text convos exhausted, you’re left with nothing but the empty (well, often decorated) Google screen staring back at you.

You’re helpless, you’re aimless, and when you type in: i have nothing to do, the first thing that comes up on a search engine is a site for online games. To that I say, what a waste of a perfectly good opportunity!

Time is a function of work (or perhaps work is a function of time). The less you have to do, the longer you drag it out to complete it. However, if you had a Lot to do, you’ll find that you can complete it all in the same matter of time. What does this mean? We’re not operating at our full potential, most of the time. So what can you do to reach your potential? It depends.

Did you have a childhood dream? Or a project that you’ve always wanted to complete but never got to because you were too busy? For me, it’s learning a new song on the piano, making a scrapbook of photos, and creating an oil painting. Somehow in the past I’ve stopped pursuing my artistic ambitions due to academic obligations…and now that it’s summer already and I have time on my hands, maybe it’s time to pick them up again.

On the other hand, what about your future? Human beings are always looking for ways to improve and learn.

1) Why not start reading a new book – a classic, a bestseller, or a topic you’re fascinated about (*cough* economics). If it turns out well, why not blog about it?

2) Learn a new skill. After all these years, I’ve been disappointed that I still have not learned Adobe Photoshop. Or gotten as familiar as I would like with Access or Excel. Simple computer applications are often overlooked, and taking the time to hone these skills may be *beneficial* in the long run.

3) Speaking of runs, revisit a healthy lifestyle. Workout at regular intervals, take a dance lesson or yoga, and learn healthier recipes. Do something good for your body, especially after a tiring day at work.

4) Catch up on films and shows you wanted to watch. Hey, you learn surprisingly a lot from media if you select the right ones.

5) Don’t become a couch potato. Do not play video games all day. Do not get up at 1pm, stare at the wall, and think things are hopeless. Because the world is beautiful, and you have every second to live it.